Hello (Again)


I’ve been doing gigs again and will hopefully also release some new* music at some point, so I figured it was time to make the website Blandly Functional again after a few years of “useless but there’s an animated rabbit on it”.

One of my recent gigs received an actual review – check it out here!

I’ve added a Songkick widget to the LIVE DATES page and will make sure new stuff gets added there – at the moment my only upcoming gig is December 1st at JT Soar in Nottingham with Collars, The Sweet Nothings and ACHB, but there will be more soon!

I also recently contributed a couple of tracks to Transatlantic Mail, a tribute to Death Cab for Cutie and The Postal Service to celebrate the 20th anniversary of ‘Transatlanticism’ and ‘Give Up’ – check that out here or on streaming!

* may require a loose definition of new

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